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SECOND CHANCE - Very Motivational

I'm not afraid to die I'm afraid you have not lived long enough Live your life now Have you ever wished that could start your life again? The suffering, the pain could avoid if we could just start again, live again, knowing what we know now There are choices you made, you did as a teenager, a young adult, you did but would not do today because you grew up. You have learned through life, you learned through some of their failures, you learned through some mistakes, but what if you could just turn it off. and start all over again? You can start a new life correct, quiet and clean, and, yes, a new life. You can live your dreams and your fears I think most people in fact, they are not living their dreams But they are living their fears. So I want to ask you a question: What are your fears? What are you afraid of? What frightens you? Because we all have fears We all have something that blocks us, that keeps us from going ahead What fears I allow imprison me? that are preventing me from changing That are preventing me from living in my true potential that are preventing me from being really happy that are preventing me from having a sense of adventure and enthusiasm in my life ... What has prevented me to control my destiny? What fears, I'm giving you permission to do that? It is arrogant to think that the next second of your life belongs to you It is arrogant to think that next week will be here We never know Some strange and confusing things happen at random with many people unexpectedly and remember that every day So I ask you not die until you have died. Life is really short Today is a miracle you'll never have that day again in your life Live your life now! Live your dreams now! Start acting as if it were your last day on earth We decided, we do not need a statement or position saying we have 6 months of life to really begin to appreciate the beauty of life. to begin to make some tough decisions in life We have the power in our hands You never had, never is, you never do Listen to me: you will never experience life the way you should experience life if you do not recognize this and do it now. Now! It is important that I make you know that you are powerful You're strong enough to do this you are strong enough and your life will work no matter where you have to go To overcome this addiction, no matter what you have to go That dream you have, no matter what you have to do, It will be easier to do if you do now "I have another night?" No! There will be obstacles? Yes There will be times when I will want to give up? Yes, this is part. There will be a time when you will not know what to do? Yes, this is part. So when you begin to say: "How I want to live?" What contribution I want to start giving? What is the difference I want to do in life? What I want to do with the life I have left? What I need to grab chances? What risks I need to start running? What I need to overcome fears? What areas of my life are dead now? which dreams? You need to start living your dreams or live your fears! Sometimes we can say: I can do it but when we can not say, it is still possible I can have my dream as we ran to get water working day after day, day after day If you do not decide act for his dream, if you do not decide to take the decision to live your life, if you do not decide to overcome their fears, if you do not decide to say yes to his life, it will never work for you. The time just wish things has passed, It is time to do! This is the time that vc is now! Time to act for your dreams Answer your call! The universe is calling you Learn something about life: you can not get out of it alive. Live now, as if it were the last day Live your dream! Now When you decide "I'm going to do it," despite the opposition, despite the difficulties, "I'll do it because it is important to me" I tell you: the universe will bow to you And life will never be the same again Live your dream!

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